The place where I was from has a lot of sand. It isn’t a beach but it’s similar. Unlike the sand on earth, this sand is easy to walk around on and it doesn’t get caught in places that you’d rather it didn’t. I used to go to these sandy places and have sex and afterwards the sand would evaporate and then it made my skin blue. It was actually really cool. I’m a little bit homesick for it because it’s been so long since I was last there but I”m sure you’ll take my mind off things and I’ll reciprocate by helping you climax. I’m not sure what it’s called over here when you have a m ind-blowing orgasm. That is a climax right? You’ll need to teach me all the things you know and I’d be more than happy to teach you about the type of sex acts we do back home. I’d like to tell you what they are but I think it would be much more fun if I surprise you.
When I first got to earth I was completely naked. I was wandering down the street and everyone looked at me like I was really weird so I quickly went into a shop and bought the first thing I could find which was this leather bra and shorts. It was lucky they had my size or I could’ve been arrested but with the lasoo I have, I’m sure I could have charmed my way out of trouble, like I’ll be able to charm you when we meet.
After I bought these clothes I went to have a drink at this place called a bar and the person at the counter gave me this hat. He said that I’d look sexy with it and I think he’s right. I think I look pretty great with it on but I’m sure you’d rather I was completely naked like I was when I came to earth. I’ve only been on earth for a few months so far but already I’m quite enjoying it. It’s different to my home planet and the people seem friendly. They always look at me with such intrigue and interest.
You should wait to see what’s hidden beneath my clothes if you think I look great now. I’m still exploring this planet but I travel fast so I’d be keen to meet you in two to three weeks and we can learn more about each other and get down and busy.