Love Dolls / Sex Dolls are legal in Australia - but there are some restrictions!
YOU must be at least 18 years of age, or legal to view/purchase adult related products in your country.
The Sex doll must look 18 or older and be above 147cm in height,
When Is The Offence Committed?
The Offence is committed where a person:
- possesses a doll or other object; and
- the doll or other object resembles:
- a person who is or appears to be less than 18 years; or
- a part of the body of such a person; and
a reasonable person would consider it is likely that the doll or other object is intended to be used by a person to simulate sexual intercourse.
What Size Sex Dolls Are Allowed To Be Purchased And Sold ?
The minimum height of the sex dolls was originally roughly estimated at approx 140cm by Australian customs.
The laws have now changed the height must be 147cm or above.
Anything below can be classed as an offence for both seller and person purchasing smaller dolls.
As possession of child-like sex dolls is a Commonwealth offence, if a person has entered a plea of guilty or been found guilty they will be sentenced under Commonwealth sentencing laws. Commonwealth penalties on Sentence include the following:
- Dismissal without conviction;
- Conditional release order;
- Fines;
- Recognizance release order; and
- Sentence of imprisonment (including suspended sentences).
The offender can also receive other sentencing options that are available in the applicable state or territory where the matter is heard.
What Are The Implications Of A Conviction?
Court proceedings can be attended by the public, including media. In some cases, other members of the community can become aware or be informed of the proceedings.
Possession of childlike sex dolls is not an offence that will result in an offender being placed on child protection register. However, it is important you get specific advice about your own state and territory.
We DO NOT, and WILL NOT provide information or supply dolls that do not fit the Australian legal minimum requirement's.
Sex Doll Torso
Torso are allowed to be sold but the face must look 18 years or older.