1.TDF Authorized Manufacturer
Irontechdoll has been listed as authorized manufacturer by world biggest doll forum, TDF for 4 years. We have accumulated great fame their with our solid quality and realistic creations.
2.Greatest Products
Irontechdoll keeps doing original passionate creation for more than 5 years. And we have accumulated solid basis on products variety and vividness. Irontechdoll keeps creating a doll that might touch the customers instead of pushing customers just with toys. On the other hand, we work to provide customers with best cost performance as well. In one word, we aim to creat greatest items with best affordability.
3.Promising Marketing
Irontechdoll covers most complete sex dolls, IE normal Irontechdoll, Irontechdoll Starter Series, Irontechdoll Super Realistic Series. We offer most possibility for your doll business.
Irontechdoll cooperated with many Internet celebrity to gain more branding awareness. This is a great way to help your business as well.
Irontechdoll will attend professional fair related sex toys. We will keep doing branding as well.
4.Real Attractiveness from Real Buyers
Honesty is best policy. We do not trick any customers. And in that way, we have accumulated many fans customers very fast. Here below are some examples photos from some of our fans customers.